
  We all have guides. And these guides go under a variety of names. Sometimes these guides are people – but sometimes the problem is that we don’t look deeply into their personal philosophies to know if they are people we should follow. But there are other guides, for example the principles that come from experience or our reading. For me, words are often those guides. But words have to become more than… words, they have to have operational definitions as well, otherwise why bothering to think that they are guides? My guiding words are fruitful, meaning, purpose. These underscore all the other words. But, what about you – what (who) are your guides?

  Undoubtedly we all can define each of those words but my definitions may differ. Fruitful. This means that there is fruit that can be ‘seen’ from my words and actions. Obviously the goal is that the fruit be good and able to last. This, in my estimation, is not something we can do of and by ourselves. Scripture (Matthew 15:19, Proverbs 11:30, etc.) tells us that fruitfulness is a direct result of whatever controls our lives. Thus we need the Lord and His attributes which He promises to those who have faith in Him (Galatians 5:19-20, Colossians 1:10, etc.). When I look at my fruit I do see spoiled fruit or bruised fruit but I can also see when and how the Lord worked through me to produce good fruit. What do you see when you view your fruit? And is it pleasing?

  Meaning. This is a big word for me and is partnered with Purpose. If what I say and do has no meaning and little to no purpose… then why do/say it? I truly dislike irrelevancy and especially as it pertains to me and my behavior, never enjoy wasting my time and energy. If meaning and purpose have no value then it’s time to change. The definition of those two words are highly related. Webster defines ‘meaning’ as: the end, purpose, or significance (of something). Purpose is defined: the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used… an intended or desired result; end; goal. My caveat on this is that the word can’t be esoteric only… it has to have operational and practical visibility.

  Guides in my world of definitions are what the word implies… they are the standards by which I can judge what I’m doing and saying. They are the pillars on which I build my personal mindset, my philosophy of life and living. More important though is what the word says to you. How do you define the word – guides? And how do you ‘use’ them… do they fulfill the role you have designed for them? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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