Born to grow…

  I admit that I talk a great deal about finding yourself, discovering who you are and where you’re going and why but this is never an instantaneous discovery and is always never ending. And there is no magic wand to wave that will grant you this information. You have to decide that you are important enough to discover you. Without knowing who and why you will only repeat behavior that is or can be unproductive or even harmful. And one of the most important learnings and what we don’t always recognize is that we are born to grow.

  How you define ‘born to grow’ has a tremendous influence on what you will find; actually whether or not you will even engage in your own growing or your awareness of your growth. Too often we put the eternal, the essential growth to a ‘later’ category. To be all that you can be is a partnership. And you have to be an active participant in this partnership. The Father is ready and willing to join you in your quest but He won’t do it to you. Your questions are: do you want to grow? And if so, what are you willing to do to accomplish this? And if not – are you willing to live with uncertainty?

  I suspect that in nearly every entry I write I am, in some way, attempting to lure you into both a closer walk with the Lord and a deeper understanding of who you are and all of the potentialities that are part and parcel of you. Again, this is not a ‘once and done’ activity, you will be involved in this process your entire life. Even the word, grow, implies this ongoing reality. To me it is a continual adventure of discovery – of me, of the Lord, of others, of… and by now it should be very apparent that I dearly love adventures and discovering.

 Enjoy the journey because finding yourself will take time. Impatience on your part won’t speed the process any and may increase the time it takes to find who you are and where you’re going, how you’re going to get there and who may be on your journey with you. Besides… if you start this journey with an open and positive mind then you will find all sorts of discoveries and learnings as you travel.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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