Is it OK to have doubts?

  The short answer is – absolutely! What isn’t OK is to try and deny that you have doubts… or that doubt isn’t that important… or ignore the doubt. Doubt can be a part of resolving any issue. I find that doubt can ‘stir the pot’ but it isn’t the pot nor is it the answer nor can it control – unless we let it.
Doubts are more of an analysis rather than a catastrophic rejection of the object/subject of the doubt. However, I admit that most people become engulfed by the doubt which then leads to further doubts without really resolving the initial one.

  The only real power doubt has occurs when we aren’t confident of (fill in the blank). It may not be the object that is doubted but our belief or confidence in ‘it’. Anything can be attacked by doubt but the real question is what do we do when doubt emerges? We may not be able to stop them from coming but we certainly can stop them from controlling. Let me ask a different question… have you/do you ever have doubts about those areas (fill in the blank) that you don’t doubt? How did they move from a question to a point of confidence? My guess would be your experience.

  Those things that have given us a foundation of experience (both those that we believe and those things we don’t believe) provide the strength of our stand. Simple example: I know that if I don’t look both ways before entering an intersection that I have put myself in harm’s way and could become involved in an accident. That knowledge came from a variety of sources – my parents instructions, witnessing someone who didn’t do this, coming close myself to being in an accident, what happens when I do heed this warning – all of those experiences form my foundation of fact v. doubt.

  You can always choose not to follow your knowledge but you always reap the consequences of that act. Doubts may begin the process of understanding but it’s up to us to act on the result. My advice is to never be fearful of doubt, never ignore, never underestimate. Always use the doubt to strength your convictions. Eventually you’ll get to the place where that doubt won’t exist. If you think about it for a moment you’ll discover those areas that you no longer doubt….

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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