
  Isn’t that a great word?! What is it? I’ll spare you the time to look it up but it means: a condition of constant change or alternation, as a natural process; mutability. CHANGE! We are always dealing with change and there are a whole grist of people that really don’t like change and will waste precious time fighting or attempting to ignore it. It will win out… it always does. Our issue is – how do we handle the ‘vicissitudes of life’? What do we do with unknowns? Because change always, always, always brings unknowns in its wake.

  In the particular scenario I’m referencing those times and instances that you really don’t know… and with some issues, it’s all right, but not always. What you do with your not knowing when it is important? How do you react to those areas in your life you don’t have your answer(s)? Contingency plan? Ignore? Could you have prepared for the inevitable change? Like death and taxes, vicissitudes will happen.

   Not certain what I’m talking about? Example: ‘Battles’. Fighting, even though we know we are in a war and that we must stay prepared typically almost always seems to be against an unknown and sometimes unexpected – how strong the ‘enemy’ is, what equipment we have to enter into the fight are some of the questions we will need answers to, and fast. First, make certain that it is your fight. During our lives we become embroiled in many battles. However, it is ALWAYS our decision whether or not we will engage in the fight… and equally important, how we fight. How prepared are we? How strong are we? What damage will occur if we lose? Duration of your fight would be another unknown because there are so many variables that impact.

  Another unknown issue is ‘authority’. Without the authority you are severely limited in your ability to accomplish anything. In the Greek, authority means: having the right to do something and having the power and ability to do it. It is always critical to know what authority you have and who has the authority over you. I have always felt that if I had the authority in (fill in the blank) then I also had the responsibility. The buck really did stop with me. They go hand-in-hand… if you want the authority then you have to accept the responsibility.  

  Unknowns should never spark worry, though they inevitably do. You can never worry about something you don’t know anything about or even if it will impact you but somehow we always seem to do this – it’s another example of the negative part of ‘what if’. Too often we approach change as our enemy and this accomplishes nothing except to waste what time, energy and resources you have. Our condition is change… have you ever thought of embracing it rather than fighting???

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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