Where to start???

  Do you feel a tad overwhelmed and uncertain as to where to start and how to start (fill in the blank). No, not the ‘typical’ or usual problems, issues, and challenges; the more essential and critical one of ‘self improvement’ – however you define this. The somewhat obvious and yet unhelpful comment would be – right where you are! Well… yes, but what does that mean? Granted that we are all on a road of self discovery and self improvement and that we are all in a state of ‘becoming’ – precisely WHAT are we suppose to be doing? Not just the ‘what’ but how do we start?

  Do you ever feel like that? I suspect we all have and all have experienced this wobbly and slightly unsteady place. However, knowing that others have and do experience something similar does not help when you are in this predicament. Now what? Not just extraction from the feelings and knowledge but how to correct or improve what needs to be done is the focus. And while the response that everyone has these times gives a sense of relief – it still doesn’t resolve the issue. We all face these times and should have learned what we need to do to not just escape but to capitalize on this time.

  A more ‘logical’ start would be to examine what brought you to this state? What caused you to consider self-improvement/growth? Something had to be occurring in your world that caused you to wonder. Perhaps a dissatisfaction with who you are now? Maybe a lack of growth in yourself that you sense? I’ve always discovered that when I began considering the ‘beginning’ then I typically had the correct direction to begin my start. However I’ve also discovered that I really can’t simply rely on past paths to be only an escape. I need to attend to the issues that precipitated this state.

  Just like about everything else in our lives, becoming or self-improvement – the more essential life question’s is a never ending journey of discovery. We can choose not to follow that road but our own sense of dissatisfaction will only increase when we do. There is always a price to pay to  discover but I believe that the price we pay when we don’t is unbearable. And our ‘where to start’ is staring is in the face. Yes, it is right where you are but it’s also who you are and what you want from life. Those answers will lead you to your start.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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