Journey’s End

  This is different than the end of a journey, because a new journey always beckons as one ends. What I’m talking about is the final end. If you were to stop where you are right now and know that you were finally at the end… what would you expect to see, to find? What would you see in terms of what you’ve accomplished? More important – what kind of person have you become. Do you like you? Those who dare to look at their road, their life… their journey with this mindset are to be commended. Those who dare will be able to see and not just ‘hope’. And in seeing, they can make adjustments before the journey does end.

  It takes courage to look at where we are and even more to look at who we are. But those who do dare can change, can become all they want or need in order to impact their ‘end’. Regardless, to do ‘something’ does require courage and a heighten awareness of what you are doing and why plus what’s around you, especially other people. My particular learning has been that regardless of other’s reactions to me, if I’m not pleased with me it isn’t relevant. In fact… I tend to not hear other’s positive comments about me when I’m not in a place where I can’t acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses.

  No one really knows when their journey will end. Some people are given a timeline by someone else, like a doctor, but only God knows when the journey ends. But what a blessing we have when we stop and take the time to consider our journey and if we are accomplishing those eternal things we need (want?) to. As scripture tells us – the carnal will pass away and only the eternal will last. When we consider what we have done and where we are… right now… regardless of age, is it ‘good’? And if it isn’t, are we willing to do whatever needs to be done in order to be in alignment to be our best?

  The Journey’s End doesn’t need to be a fearful thought. It is the natural progression. And it will come to pass. For those who have accepted Jesus as Lord, it’s merely a transition from here to heaven. It’s not fearful. Paul says it best when he talks about the dilemma of being here, to touch others and bring them to a saving knowledge, or there, to be with the Lord. Quite honestly I don’t know what someone who doesn’t have this foundation feels – empty would be a guess, certainly not comfortable or confident in their end’s transition.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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