Right Now, Right Here

  Have you ever wondered why you are here? Why, at this particular moment in the history of the world, are YOU here… now!? If you are a Christian you know that God doesn’t make mistakes, so the timing is perfect and you do belong in this here and now – right where you are. And never forget that God doesn’t make junk – You are not a mistake.

  Where you are though is at issue – how did you get here? I suspect all of us have asked this question at various times in our lives. You are where you are basically because of the decisions you’ve made along your life’s timeline. Some were truly super and some, not so much. Many times, as you look back, I suspect you are amazed at how you, the time, the issue was redeemed from a situation that looked either hopeless or catastrophic.

 A critical mindset is to not view where you are as a mistake. It may be, but you got yourself here. You need a paradigm shift and consider where you are in terms of: do you want or need to stay? How can whatever is happening where you are become a positive? What options do you have about your ‘where’?

   Actually I don’t have your answer. I have mind but I can only offer you questions, some of which you’ve undoubtedly asked yourself, to assist you in your discovery of your answers. Regardless of how you got to where you are at this moment in time, you are. The whys and wherefores do need to be reviewed and assessed, but the focus needs to be on – now. What’s at your hand (to do)? Who’s in your world (to love and share)?

  One of the delightful parts of discovering your answers is that you will. But, it will take diligence on your part, a willingness to face your warts and your positive qualities – you have to look at both and then decide how to ‘accent the positive, eliminate the negative’… how to maximize your positive qualities and reduce your warts.

  Your ‘right here, right now’ is a time to embrace. And if it seems that everything’s wrong – what do you want to do with your here and now to make it become all it can be so you can be all that you’re meant to be? You can change your where… but do you first need to change your thinking?

right here? right now?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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