Happy Medium

  I wonder… is there such a thing as a ‘happy medium’. If so, then just where is that enchanted place located? I think I may have strayed into it on a couple of occasions in a couple of areas, but not sure I stayed there long. Was it a place I really enjoyed? Again, not sure since my forays into ‘happy medium’ were brief. I’m beginning to think though that it is a temporary state of being – a place to catch your breath and do a quick check of where you are and where you want to go next.

  I don’t believe that ‘happy medium’ refers to a lifestyle, especially one of mediocrity but more of a kind of a momentary oasis, an equilibrium moment. Then again, I also believe that happy medium is  individually defined. Perhaps the point is knowing that such a place does exist and you can visit it when there is a need to be there, is all that you really needed. If happy medium were a lifestyle it would have to be incredibly predictable and… lifeless. Not a place I’d want to spend much time. But remember, that’s my definition. Yours may be different.

  Why would you want or need a happy medium? What’s it value?  Those two questions are important for you to know. In my world of definitions, tasteless, odorless, bland seem to define what ‘medium’ is. Medium is always smack dab in the middle. I do admit that it may also be a place of no conflict, no stress, no challenges… but where is the growth? the spice? the flavor? Actually, is there really life in happy medium? As is obvious, not a place I would recommend to stay. Yet… there are advantages to this place and should never be lightly dismissed.

  I do think we all need moments, and that’s the key – moments, when we seem to be in a happy medium place. These are the times that do give us the ability to consider all our who, what, where, when, and how’s without the stress of reacting quickly. We need quiet times and places and we need to know what we should do next. Since the ‘happy medium’ place will allow for this, we shouldn’t waste the time when we discover… we are in a happy medium time.

… happy medium?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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