A Fork in your road…

  Is that what you are facing? A fork that you can now see that was only blurry and far off before. However, now you can see it clearly, you are close to the point where you’ll need to decide which way to go. Actually, now you have a number of options to consider. If you are direction-less then I think you may be in a world of hurt. If you haven’t decided who you are and what you want, on what basis do you make your decision?

  Perhaps there’s no fork… the road, path just seems to peter out. Possible? Now what? Do you decide you were on the wrong path to begin with? Turn around? Push through to see if the path starts again? Sit down? What? How you handle and resolve obstacles on your path is extremely important. To be able to discern between a pebble and a boulder may seem obvious, but it isn’t always that simple when you are looking at it. What do you do with the obstacle? Actually, some obstacles can be turned into assets… is this possible?

  Assuming that the road doesn’t end and you are standing at the fork, how many options are available to you? 1? 2? More? Does the road you’re on continue or end at the fork? With more than two options, which looks to be the ‘best’ for you? In more specific terms, perhaps the fork you are facing is in your work life. Perhaps it is in your personal life. Regardless, you have a decision to make – which road should you choose?

  We all face forks in our roads and some come with an ending to the one we’re on, while others include the current road in our options. In looking at the options available, is there enough information to make a reasoned decision? And, if not, on what basis can you make a choice? Never make a hasty decision… too often you will end up displeased. Never forget your personal goals, your character in making a decision. Forks are not necessarily negative, they can be the impetus to a new road for you.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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