Step by step

  A path is a fascinating thing. It always leads. And it always starts from some place, which means that it always ends up some place. As you enter the path, which can typically be done from several points along the way, and you discover that it isn’t where you want to go, you can change the path you are on. Perhaps you don’t want to stick to the path so you set off through the underbrush. As you put step upon step you move in a direction, even if you turn around and go in the direction you came from. Regardless, a path always leads.

  Paths really are enchanting. Not just that as you walk on them you get from point A to point B but that they can be uphill and downhill, they can be smooth as well as rocky. Paths can seem to peter out only to reemerge later. Paths can be wide and they can be narrow. With some paths that are more developed, you can come across seating areas in which you can rest. Some paths have signs on them to direct you or indicate other sites along the way.  Paths can get you where you’re going or they can  get you away from where you’ve been.

  Have you ever taken the time to stop on the path and watch the people who are also on your path? They may walk purposefully, with a specific destination in mind and they go intentionally on. Some look at the map in their hand to see if it actually does end up at the place they want to go. Others are just looking around, enjoying seeing what is there, the ‘stop and smell the roses’ types. Rarely are you on the path by yourself… at least, not for long.

  What does ‘path’ suggest to you? Can you not only visualize yourself on a path but what you are doing? Do you remember getting on this path? Where is your step by step taking you and how is it taking you? If you stop and take stock remember to get off the path or you might get overrun by those who are rushing onward. The point for you is… is this your path? And if not, what will you be willing to do to get on your right path?

… but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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