Organized in the midst…

  I’m one of those highly organized types that always seem to collect people who aren’t and who really don’t care that they aren’t. It’s not that they have their own brand of ‘organized’, they truly are totally and regret-lessly unorganized. I must admit that it’s almost like they wear it as a badge of honor. Then again… if I’m completely honest, I probably carry my organized self as a badge too. I do find it frustrating but it is never boring and can be highly entertaining… if you, being the organized type, will wear it.

  Many times these types will categorize themselves as ‘spontaneous’ and use that as the reason, the answer to why they don’t organize. I have this suspicion that they really can be organized, they just don’t choose to. However, to categorize this type as ‘spontaneous’ and the organized types as too un-spontaneous is neither fair nor accurate. We organized types are spontaneous but we typically don’t let it control our lives. So we continue to live lives of… organized, perhaps spontaneously organized.?

  Part of the point in this is to accept that the other people will never be swayed to be organized and let them live their lives as they deem fit – even if it doesn’t make sense to you. And, concomitantly, bask in your own organized self. You don’t have to change what you are to make someone else ‘happy’ but neither do they. You will only make yourself more frustrated if you attempt to share the wonders of organization with someone who really doesn’t give a rip. This issue is truly a ‘live and let live’.

  Granted much of what I’ve written is tongue-in-cheek but it is also truth and you really can’t argue nor change ‘truth’. The point really is – who’s in charge? If you have the responsibility then organize away and don’t apologize. If the unorganized person is in charge then sit back and do what is required of you. The rest of the time… learn. There is something to be discovered about this approach that you will be able to incorporate into your style. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Though not your style… enjoy their trip.

…but, what do you think? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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