Signs and Times

  From the beginning of my Christian walk I have interested in, intrigued by end times – the time when Jesus comes back for His church. Though man continues to try and determine just when this will happen, the scriptures are clear: (Jesus speaking) “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.” (Acts 1:7) From that comment one can easily deduce that this means the only one who knows when this will be is the Father, not even Jesus.

  However… this has never stopped man from speculating, nor writing countless books that purport to be able to know. Simply… we don’t. We shouldn’t be wasting our valuable time in these speculations. But… we are also warned to be aware of the times. Matthew 24, Jesus talks about the ‘end of the age’ and the signs. To be blind to the signs would be gross stupidity. Jesus says to be aware. It’s when you get into the specifics of date and time that idle speculation is irrelevant.

  Perhaps simplistic, but I’ve always looked at two categories to give me information about the last days. One is prophecy. Have the prophecies for the first and second coming, indicated in the Old Testament been fulfilled and the second is the signs Jesus tells us will herald His second coming. In terms of the prophecies – my understanding is that all the authorities agree that all, not some, all the prophecies related to mankind’s savior have been fulfilled. This means that we’re in a kind of ‘holding pattern’ until the time of the gentiles is finished, which is coupled with God’s desire that no man be left behind without the opportunity of hearing (Matthew 24:14). Modern technology is quickly bringing that obstacle to an end.

  The second category comes from Jesus’ words starting with – “Take heed that no one deceives you…” and ends with – “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.”  (Matthew 24:4-42). In those verses He indicates 16 (my count) different signs of the last days, such as: you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, nation will rise against nation, lawlessness will abound, etc. We can see many of those signs today. Personally I believe we are in those days of which Jesus spoke. If you are a Christian you can look up because… “your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28) If you aren’t a Christian, you can still choose – today IS the day of salvation.

… but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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