What if I’m right???

  The question really is… if you haven’t made Jesus Lord of your life, what if you’rewrong? You really can’t imagine how critical and defining your decision is. Because, it still is a decision when you choose to not accept His gift. Though I believe it’s never a one and done offer – He keeps the offer available to you until it is too late. I define ‘too late’ as the judgment seat. 

  What’s stopping you from making the decision to accept Jesus as Lord? Pride? Indecision? Not ‘logical’ in your thinking? An unwillingness to change? Perhaps it’s none of those but you aren’t convinced? But… are you doing anything about proving you are right? This is not a decision to be left to chance. There is no reason strong enough to stop you from making your decision.

  I would contend that we are in the last days and the return of The Soon Coming King, Jesus, is at our door. I also believe the evidence loudly proclaims only one choice – acceptance of Jesus as the one and onlypath to salvation and eternal life. Even if we had unlimited time before Jesus’ return, because we don’t know when our time is over, the time is always – now – and at that point we need to make a conscious decision.  

  There really is a place called heaven and a place called hell and you really will end up in one or the other… for all eternity. The arguments that a loving God wouldn’t consign someone to hell are specious and totally inaccurate. He doesn’t choose your final destination, you do. There are few ‘musts’ that He requires from us to spend eternity with Him, but how we respond to Jesus’ offer is the paramount one.

  The critical question is – you! Where will you be, what will you be doing on Judgment Day? Hebrews 9:27 tells us that “…it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.” There will be a final reckoning… what willyou do?  NOW is the time of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2), the decision is yours – now. You are a spirit which means you won’t die. You will spend eternity in heaven or in hell. The ‘I’m a good person’ is not enough. What if I’m right??? 

… WHO will you choose to believe?
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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