The third Person…

  We all understand who God is, and we all understand who Jesus is, acceptance in both cases is not the issue. But… the third person of the God Head, the Holy Spirit, is undoubtedly the least understood and the least appreciated. Yet His role in our lives is potentially unparalleled. Part of the problem may have been when His name was translated into English – initially He was referred to as the Holy Ghost. But in our world of definitions, ‘ghost’ takes on an eerie quality. I suspect that this incorrect translation has kept Him at arms length. 

  The Holy Spirit is as important as the Father and the Son, He is the third Person in the Trinity. And when you look at what He does, His role is so significant when we allow Him to do His work. How important is He? Listen to what Jesus said of Him and why we need Him. (Jesus speaking) “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby) that He may remain with you forever…” John 14:16 AMP. As you can see, His role in our lives has 7 dimensions: comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, standby. It’s not that He is there to do our work, but He is there with us in our lives.

  When Jesus’ work on the earth was finished, until His second coming, it was necessary for us to have a continuous guide, and the Holy Spirit was the person in the God head who was sent to help us. Notice Jesus aligns Himself with the Holy Spirit when He says, He (God) will give you another… Just like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit wants to be involved with all aspects in our lives, not just asked for help when we need Him.

  Obviously first, we need to establish a relationship with Him. Assuming that you have already accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation and are now attempting to fulfill your part in the body of Christ, I believe that developing a relationship is as simple as asking for His help and then, though continuing to do what’s at hand, being available to hear His response. The Holy Spirit was there from the beginning of Genesis and will be with us through the end of Revelations. Attempting to ‘go it alone’ and not develop a relationship with the One who is sent to assist us makes no sense.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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