
  Where are you on the confidence continuum? Supremely confident or low self esteem? And the focus/issue is not the point, I’m talking about your overall rating of you. Smugly Supremely Confident is not a positive nor is it attractive but snivelingly low self esteem isn’t either. Your level of confidence really becomes a method of determining how much you put you into the equation of your current project.

  There is a direct correlation between your level of confidence in you in the specific situation and the potential for success. I find it fascinating that we will often hedge our bets and put just enough of our selves into the equation that it won’t hurt if we ‘lose’ and that we’re still involved if progress is made. That, my friend, is lukewarm living. It exemplifies compromise and temporizing. Plus there is an excellent chance that you’ll lose what it is that you believe and think.

  A person of confidence is able to function in conflict and is able to listen to opposing views. If you really are confident, you won’t disallow other’s thoughts because they could possibly be refinements on the original plans. Likewise when you are asked to ‘defend’ your position you are able to offer cogent arguments to explain. Confidence is not a stick but it is a stand.

  Minimally, if you are confident in (fill in the blank) then you are equally willing to be known for what you believe. However, if you are not confident and it is an essential issue, you need to do what is necessary to discover and this is more than merely accepting the majority view. Confidence knows what it believes and equally important – why.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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