It all starts with you…

  While I say, often, that it’s all about you, it’s because it all starts with you. But if it only stays with you then you’re not doing anything with what you are and have (and have been given). Yes… it starts with you, and it is all about you… but it’s also – more! You were never designed to horde you. You have always been designed to share. Share implies and is defined as mutual, not one-sided. 
  I don’t know about you but I get extremely frustrated when I can’t share a new discovery or a different way to look at an issue. I truly believe that we were meant to be share-ers. It’s when we blend our discoveries together that we get a broader picture and further understanding. I suspect that’s why I enjoyed teaching because I was always delighted to see light bulbs go off in the student’s eyes. To be totally honest, I think the students probably taught me more than I taught them. 

  One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is in a teaching by Paul in 1st Corinthians 12 in which he is telling the church: a. don’t compare gifts, b. don’t give place to one gift over another, c. you are to share your gift because it is needed. You are needed to fill the place with your gifting. None of us are islands unto ourselves and we all need one another.

Perhaps a different way of considering this is: do you think you are you by chance or is there a design to you and for your life? Do you believe that you have a destiny? Obviously I would argue – design. Serendipity does exist in our thinking but I wonder if it’s by fact? Coincidences and chance really are only concepts we’ve developed – I have difficulty believing that there isn’t an overall plan. But there is a caveat in this – our reaction and our decisions. It’s always your decision about if, what, and how you share.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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