Me v. … me!?

  Do you ever get the feeling that you sometimes are in a battle with yourself? If so, you probably are. The simple way of looking at this seeming oxymoron-type phenomena is that your better self is battling your non better self. Is that possible? Of course and it rarely is comfortable. But looking at this battle in a 
simplistic better v. non better is never wise because it can lead to some disastrous and/or dismissive decisions. There are a number of aspects, components that need addressing in order to resolve a Me v. … me situation.

  First… duly note it is your ‘non better’ not necessarily ‘bad’ self.  If it were only your ‘bad’ (and yes, we all have that side) then decision making would be clear; regardless of your decision. Next… what are you battling yourself over? Is it to grow you into a better you? Is it a tenet of your personal philosophy? Both are battles worth engaging in. Confusion typically defines this battle, somehow the lines seem to blur. If the battle was a clear good v. bad it would be simple to make the ‘right’ decision, but when there seem to be other contingencies or options or ramifications then decision making becomes more complicated.

  Second… never look at a battle as only philosophical – there always is an application involvement. This is not an idle ‘observation’ because in any decision making, the philosophical always becomes visible in your actions. The application in the battle of Me v. me can also clarify the battle and why it is occurring now. When attempting to resolve the philosophical consider too, behavior.

  Battles rarely are ‘spontaneous’… they always emerge as new information, thought impacts on the original tenet. That’s why you really can’t plan ahead. You need, though, to know what you believe. My point is to never run from these battles as they refine and redefine who you are and why. There are very few things that are in cement thus your beliefs and thoughts will always be challenged. You will always become a better Me in these times.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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