Diluted Testimony

  Do you dilute your testimony? The reason…??? possibly so that it may be more palatable for others? If so then you are diluting the potential, the power of your words and actions, of your experience. But far worse… you are diluting that which you are testifying about. Ask yourself the simple question of would you be enticed to learn more after listening to you?

  Diluting rarely produces the effect you are wanting or seeking. Far more often it is nothing more than diminishing what you believe, what you say, what you do in other people’s eyes. Powerlessness is not something that people will follow, most are trying to escape from that. And if you are diluting your testimony then does your life reflect a diluted life change? If so then you fall perilously close to the warning given in Revelations about being neither hot or cold. That’s not a spiritual condition that should be followed.

  Repeating my question – would anyone be interested in discovering more and following a powerless idea or person? Of course you wouldn’t so why would you present the idea/person in an adulterated or weakened state? And if you are so concerned about how you would be ‘judged’ what message does it give to others that what you are testifying about is so meaningless?

  Your testimony is potentially powerful. If it ‘speaks’ to only one listener and if you never find out the impact of your testimony… if it doesn’t display the depth and breadth of how you felt, what change occurred for you and how you walk this out daily… then you really deny the testimony. Remember that your testimony isn’t focusing on you but on Who made the impact and how you’ve been changed. Any time you dilute, you deny. And that would be unfortunate. I realize this sounds dire – it is.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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