YOU are important…

  Am I hearing a ‘ya right’ response? Let me say it again – YOU are important. You are special. But you have to believe this as well, not merely intellectually – emotionally, spiritually, psychologically. By extension this means that the person standing next to you is important too – whether or not they know this or have accepted it. This is not an self designated importance – there are those who act as if they are absolutely critical to the functioning of the world – not. Importance comes from within and exudes from that source – it doesn’t need to shout. It is an ‘is’.

  Webster’s describes/defines importance as: consequential, a quality or aspect having great worth or significance. The only word of any meaning in that definition is ‘quality’. Though this is a word that is individually defined, it is a word of great power. But important is also an ‘is’ in my definitional world – the difference is one of position. Example: we all may consider ‘belonging’ as important for us, but  depending on our experience, it may be more or less critical to us.

  How you blend you and important often determines who or what is in control. If you attached too great an importance to you then you can easily lose both perspective and definition. ‘Important’ is an internal mindset – or it should be. It should speak to your level of confidence in who you are and what you’re doing. It should also be the mindset that directs what you expect from yourself. It becomes a standard for your behavior.

  You can never forget that you are an example, a model. People will listen to your words but it is your behavior that will convince them of your belief in what you say. How you react and interact with others lets them know their value in your eyes, how important they are… or aren’t. ‘Important’ should always be touched with grace and mercy simply because though we are important, we don’t always act that way – no one does.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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