Blundering toward perfection…

  I like that phrase – it really does describe best what it seems that we do. We are told that we are to move toward perfection (Matthew 5:48) and that we will become perfect. However, it is not a state that we come to fully in this life but that doesn’t quit us from the responsibility of growing. We are also told that we see in a glass darkly but we will know (1 Corinthians 13:12). Those are two great promises, which become critical to hold to in the dark, desert times.

  If you are the least bit grateful for your life then you must be desiring to ‘give back’ something, anything to the One who walks with you and does so much for you. Yes? And even though you may know that there’s nothing you really can do to even partially ‘repay’, you still want to be able to do… something. That’s part of our blundering. But it really is OK. Gratitude can be a great motivator to behavior. And quite honestly… it’s the intention of the heart that’s important.

  I think we have what we need to really be all that we need to be. You are never asked or required to be someone you aren’t and fortunately you can find all of what you need to be and do in scripture. Who and what we’re suppose to be is not hidden from us, doesn’t require arduous searching… it’s in plain site. The only thing that’s required is that you read, understand, and apply. And that’s where the problem is. I suspect most people would rather have a ‘thing’ to do and then get it over with and go on. But what’s required is… everything. All of us, always.

  Is it possible that you don’t believe you have anything of worth to offer? Is that your issue? That ‘all of you’ isn’t much, enough? Wrong, wrong, wrong. You are not in a position to judge how your part fits into the whole. And you certainly are not the one to determine your value. You need to accept who you are with all your warts but with all your positive qualities as well. It is you that is wanted, that is needed, that is a unique part important to the working of the whole. We may be blundering but the point is to look at yourself as God’s gift to the world. What you do with yourself becomes your gift back.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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