Are you too … comfortable?

  Do you think you are too… comfortable? You do realize that the familiar can control, yes? It can and we let it. We like ‘comfortable’ – who wouldn’t? The question that needs asking is how do you use familiar and comfortable? Does it provide a springboard, a foundation for something… else? Or do you let it wrap itself around you and cocoon you? Tempting as the cocooning is/may be this should not be what you allow yourself to do.

  Maybe one of the questions is: why are you playing it safe?  Do you need a healthy dose of: to boldly do what you’ve never done before??? You do believe in yourself, yes? While the ‘safe’ can accomplish some ‘things’, it’s more of a maintenance approach rather than the more daring, dynamic approach to whatever you are doing. And no, one shouldn’t be daring simply to be daring because that smacks of reckless. But… the predictable and safe approach rarely leads to new discoveries.

  Simply because you choose to be daring doesn’t, by definition, mean that it is reckless. But it does mean giving opportunity for the different, the unusual – outside the box. Or… is fear stopping you from trying something outside your comfort zone? Is the root cause of your comfortable status based in fear? But, if so, what are you afraid of? Making a mistake? Looking foolish? If any of your rationale falls into this type of category then look at the subject – you. That’s the basis of your fear. If it is legitimate concern for safety or others, then that’s a different subject.

  ‘Comfortable’ does have its place but the point here is whether or not this is your method of interacting with your world. If it is then do you need to rethink this approach? What stops you from a more dynamic involvement? What stops you from stretching yourself into new and unknown areas? What would encourage you to attempt a foray into the unknown? Never let ‘comfortable’ lull you into only the safe just as you should never let daring lead you blindly into the abyss. Eyes wide open…

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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