Will I EVER Grow Up?!

  You’d think by now that I would have grown up! I am old enough – chronologically.  But every day I do or say something that totally disproves this status. It’s really quite frustrating when I consider, at the end of the day, my day and how I’ve done. However, since I believe in forgiveness and redemption, this ‘analysis’ provides the springboard to try again. I never allow the error of the day to whip myself but I also try not to repeat previous less than stellar behavior. In this respect, each tomorrow is an opportunity to improve (grow).

  I suspect a definition would be useful at this moment. It’s possible I don’t
define the words in the same manner that many would define as ‘grown up’ – it really has absolutely nothing to do with ‘acting one’s age’. Never sure what that meant except as an attempt to control or impose some set of criterion that has nothing to do with age and everything to do with acting. My definition focuses on fulfillment and fruitfulness. These aren’t necessarily completely attained, but you are moving in the direction toward that goal. To me that would be grown up. Perspective.

  Part of what I’m talking about is not having regret over what I did (or didn’t do) or said (or didn’t say) – which defines my ‘growing up’. Then again… you may be all grown up and this isn’t an issue for you. But… exactly ‘how’ are you defining the words? Regardless of others’ opinions, what will define ‘grow up’ in your world? Whether or not this is a question for you, you do realize that you react to others based on your definition – articulated or not.

  There is a saving grace in this… I never let today’s errors impact on today’s and tomorrow’s possibilities and opportunities. They become reminders to not repeat self defeating behaviors but they don’t control. Past mistakes should never control, should never tell us who we are, should never make us hesitate. Just like most of the other significant aspects in our lives, growing up is a process – a journey. Enjoy it.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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