The search for meaning…

  I would argue that we all search for meaning in our lives and I don’t believe I’d get an argument. How we define ‘meaning’ would undoubtedly vary, but the actual searching wouldn’t. We all want our lives to mean ‘something’, count for ‘something’. For me… it is impossible to live without meaning. Why would I want to continue if there was no purpose to life. Yes, we can all exist… for a while, but I would argue we couldn’t handle meaninglessness for long.

  For me too, not just any old meaning will do. My meaning has to have purpose, has to have… meaning. Reality is that we each define ‘meaningful’ differently. What may be meaningful to me may be a yawn for someone else. And vice versa. The important consideration is that each person knows what provides meaning for them. Meaning really is the motivation – the purpose, reason, excitement, challenge, goal for everyone. Without it why would you continue to do what you do? Where’s the pleasure? So… what comprises your definition?

  Let me illustrate by sharing what provides meaning for me. I always like to hope that my actions, behavior, activities have a spiritual implication. I may still be involved with the ‘activity’ but if there are no spiritual impacts then I’m not as engaged. It’s when this particular definition of ‘meaning’ for me is included that I am totally involved. Without a spiritual aspect to provide meaning I typically look for something else. I realize that sounds terribly self righteous, but I don’t mean this – I just want what I’m doing to have long lasting affects.

  Meaning is the foundation for what we do and why and is part of the definition of who we are. Without it I think what we do is stale at best. What we don’t always understand and appreciate is that many times it isn’t the grandiose activities that make the difference, it’s the small, kind acts extended to another without the thought of  being observed or honored. Meaningful acts are not meant to be quid pro quo.

 …but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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