Appreciation: now… later???

  Do you appreciate what/who you have when you have it/them? Or are you, like most of us, the type that really only appreciates after the fact? Is it your memories that remind you what was and colors your now, or do you let your memories sag into… if only I’d… or what if I’d… which verges on regret. I do wish I was the kind of person that realized what I had when I had it rather than realizing only later. But I determine what I do with those memories – appreciate or regret.

  The problem is regret. If you regret what was then you’ll end up, later, regretting you didn’t fully appreciate now.  A vicious cycle. I suspect we all experience moments like that but the point is not languishing in your then. You won’t be able to get ‘it’ back so use this understanding and not lose now. Every moment you are creating new memories so are you happy with your now? If not, what are you willing to do to change this? What can you do?

  So often we get caught up in a feeling that we have no control over our now, that all we can do is ‘grin and bear it’. Not! You always have control, though it may not seem evident. What areas of your life do you have control over? Don’t focus on those areas that you don’t have any power over – control what you can. Be the master of all you survey – you can. You are far more than a helpless victim.

   What kind of memory do you want to create? Right now. Right where you are. You are the actor in your life – are you the leading actor? You should be. If you aren’t it will be difficult to appreciate your now. Memories can be appreciated without controlling your what if’s. Granted it’s a great deal more gratifying to appreciate now and later.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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