
  or… balancing act, or… juggling. That’s what we all face – attempting to balance responsibilities and goals and plans and expectations and family and hopes and wants and… After being involved with this for what seems a very, very long time there’s a kind of ‘but what about ME’ that emerges. Not surprising and understandable. However, what do you do when the immovable object of all the demands and you collide?

  Can equilibrium be achieved? Probably not. But that is a challenge for us that is far too enticing not to attempt. Besides – if achieved it would be sheer ecstasy, even if it lasted only a moment. The feeling of equilibrium, though rarely if ever achieved, is something to be savored and by extension – sought after. On the more serious side, equilibrium – if achieved – is really all it’s cracked up to be because it is a moment in which all of the demands on our lives lined up with all the resources in our lives. This happy ‘marriage’ diminishes stress completely.

  The issue is, in my estimation, to consider all one’s demands (whether want or expectation or responsibility) and one’s resources. Those demands that can not or never be attained due to a lack of resources or the ability to allocate resources should be either eliminated or put on the shelf for a later time. Demands will always increase but the decision is whether or not to accept them. If you can’t or don’t want to and you have the choice then don’t become ensnared by them. If, for whatever reason, you have to accept them then you’ll need to make the hard decision of what to eliminate.

 There is a law in chemistry that talks about the fact that the state of equilibrium is always sought by objects in opposition, regardless as to whether they are static or dynamic. That state is balance. Achievable? Very doubtful but that doesn’t stop us from trying. The mental picture I always get is standing in the middle of the teeter totter and trying to get both sides even with how I stand and shift my weight. Ever try this? If you do then you’ll understand the balancing act that we all go through – daily. With some people it isn’t a balancing attempt it is a juggling event. Regardless… don’t get into the fallacy of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Peter will require repayment.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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