Your Life… Worth Living?

  I think there is little argument that a life worth living is what we all want – to be, to have such a life. However, I also suspect that except for the broad brushstroke of  ‘aspects’, this is defined differently for each person. Personalize it. What are the components that comprise your ‘Life Worth Living’? Did you develop your components or did they emerge from what you perceive as the expectations from others from/for you? For whom/what are you living your life?

  There are multitudinous components that you can choose to help you develop your definition and the ranking of the components will typically vary over time. What may have been critical at one point in your life can become less important in later years, as well as the reverse. I would argue that it is the qualities that define your life that will emerge as the strongest determinant of ‘worth’.

  An important mental exercise is to sit in some quiet spot and engage in a hard ‘look’ at your life. Does it match your goals and ambitions? To some degree, I would imagine, you would be able to answer ‘yes’. But… it is the intangible qualities that emerge as the critical consideration of ‘success’. Again, each of us may define this differently – that’s not as important as knowing what defines your life. How can you change, delete, add, refine without that basis?

  There is no right or wrong answer to these questions – only your answers. Remember that it is never too late to live a life worth living – perhaps you took a wrong turn or maybe detoured as you’ve gone along, but it is never too late. If you are not pleased… then change. Too easy? No. Change can always occur, even in confined spaces. Perhaps the change is in the definition of the quality or its location on your list. If you are one of those rare individuals who is living your life worth living – you are blessed indeed.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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