
  It’s all about you, you do realize – yes? Always has been, always will be. How you act and react is dependent upon what you believe, what you think, what you feel. And the foundation for this 
are your experiences and your frame of reference – which shapes you.  Are you doomed/blessed to be in this state forever? Absolutely not! This is why I said that it is all about you. YOU have the power, ability to make a paradigm shift but only when you determine that a change is in your best interests and your risk to reward factor is skewed toward ‘reward’.
  This blog continues the theme/thrust of the ‘parent’ blog – Me & Thee, which I described as “…a dialogue, a conversation between us – you and me – on life, living and other important stuffs”. Each post will explore a topic/subject/thought that will invite you to discover, rediscover and/or refine who you are now. And why. I believe that our ‘whys’ are as important as our ‘whats’. Think of this as a conversation and I’m discussing a problem or asking question(s) and seeking your thinking. 

  As context to my approach, my personal predisposition is a Christian perspective. While it can be argued that not every post is Christian based, we are living in this world, albeit not of it, thus these are issues we all face.  Also I have this belief that every issue does have a Christian response. Hopefully these thoughts will direct you to delve more deeply into what they mean for you.

  In terms of ‘style’ – the teacher in me is first and foremost a poser of questions. My goal, when I was teaching in college was not to have the students parrot back what I knew and believed but for them to do some critical thinking to determine what they believed… and why. Why is always incredibly important and ‘because’ is not a solid foundation. My secondary goal was not to have them memorize facts and figures but to know ‘how’ and ‘where’ to find the information. 

  I write like I talk so this will read as if we were sitting down chatting/nattering over a cuppa and I’m talking at the moment. And yes, I know one shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition… however, I do. I also talk in phrases not necessarily sentences. There won’t be a daily posting but I will attempt to have 3 or 4 entries each week for you to ‘…engage the little grey cells’ (sorry, I’m a hopeless Poirot fan). My goal will be to provide the topic, not to tell you what to think. I hope I will engage you in your discovery of those issues that impact and define – you.
… but what do you think, what do you believe???

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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