
No, not the pom, pom thing. Perhaps I should have used the word – encourager instead. My point is – do you have someone in your life that’s your cheerleader? A cheerleader, an encourager is someone who is supportive, who pats you on your back when you do something. And the pat on the back doesn’t need to be for something outstanding, it can be for any reason.

An encourager is not someone who looks at you through rose colored glasses. They see and know your faults probably as well as you but they prefer to ‘accent the positive’. They are typically always there with an encouraging word or some positive action. My Mom was my cheerleader and was always supportive, telling me I could do (whatever it was that I thought I wanted). The ‘you can do it’ attitude by others is typically a strong support about your own willingness to continue. However I would suggest that trust of the encourager is undoubtedly the most important attribute.

Are you a cheerleader? There are some requirements, conditions for you as an encourager. 1- Your behavior can’t provide mixed messages – support one moment and criticism the next. Until asked, an encourager does not provide unsolicited comments. You encourage or you say nothing.  2- Your words of encouragement have to be ‘real’, genuine. What you say has to be believable. And 3- if you are an encourager, there has to be a basis in relationship. Simply saying ‘good job’ to someone who is only an acquaintance may be positive but if you are family or friends, the impact is greater.

Whether or not you have someone in your life that provides encouragement for you, are you/do you provide encouragement for others? Encouragement can’t be off hand comments. You have to believe what you are saying. To encourage, according to Webster, means: to inspire with courage, spirit or hope. Listen to your words… does this define what you say?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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