The hole within

Each one of us is on a quest – at some level of intensity, whether or not we consciously realize it. I would submit that the reason is because there’s a hole in all of us – right smack dab in the middle of us. And, that hole can only be filled with something greater than us. The ‘lucky’ ones are those who have discovered their hole and have searched to find what will fill it. If it isn’t filled then there’s a kind of emptiness and this sense permeates everything you touch.

In our quest we discover that fame, fortune, prestige will not fill this hole. It may abate the empty feeling for a while but then the emptiness returns. For some, this quest leads them and for some, they simply throw up their hands in frustration and try to escape. Those who engage in the discovery find themselves on a fascinating journey that doesn’t end with the discovery… actually, discovery begins it.

Many people try to use philosophy to attempt to fill the hole. Some try to fill it with work, or friends, or family and all of that does help but he hole isn’t filled. We may try many different ‘things’ to fill our hole and while the hole may get smaller… there’s still something missing. What’s missing, is a personal relationship with the Lord. Without this, you just keep throwing ‘things’ at your hole to hopefully fill it. But the moment you make Jesus your Lord; you know, you feel the hole filled up.

And yes, it is as simple as that, and as profound. The fun, the exciting, the challenging part is that you’ve only begun your discovery. Who is this Jesus? What does He want from you? How does this impact on all the other parts of your life? These are just a few of the questions you will be answering in your journey. In a sense the hole still leads you but this time the leading is to understand and appreciate what (the Lord) fills the hole.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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