In between time…

I’ve never been particularly fond of ‘down’ time or the ‘in between’ time. In between time is defined as that time between ‘projects’ or the ‘down’ time. In order to avoid this I have found myself beginning the next project as the last one is winding down… but not always. I suspect I should look at the potential in these times. Perhaps in between times can offer something no other time has.?

Are you, like me, prone to commence on the next (fill in the blank) as the one you are involved with begins to end? Or, do you stand around waiting for the next to drop into your lap? Or do you seek out the next? How do you handle your in between time? For me it’s not so much a need to fill my time as it is I am highly goal oriented. And, I must admit, I do love challenges and starting something new always involves challenges at some level. Plus I love the energy that occurs at the start of next – I’m more the developer type than the implementer type. But to repeat, what would down/in between times provide?

As I look at it, these periods of times are times of refreshing, of taking stock, of contemplation. In and of itself – each are important and are needed. My typical MO is to do this during a project time, but this isn’t always satisfactory since one’s attention is divided. I’m beginning to understand that it’s how we utilize these times that’s at issue. In between times are important precisely because they have no other focus.

In a very real way, in between time is a gift. The gift is to allow us to step back from our targeted focus so we can look at a larger picture. It’s the perspective that we discover during these times that can structure and add meaning to what we do. I’ve never appreciated ‘make do’ work and always hoped that what I did has some lasting meaning. During these in between times we can engage in the luxury of this assessment and make whatever adjustments are necessary.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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