Game… Sidelines

There’s a uplifting movie about a young man who wanted to play football for Notre Dame. Though he didn’t appear to have the talent, that didn’t deter him from pursuing his goal. If anything speaks to heart rather than performance, that movie’s character does. Applying that thinking, you need to know that God wants us to run our race not sit on the sidelines. Being a cheerleader for others is good but even the cheerleaders go onto the field… And standing right beside you, the Father is cheering you on and telling you that you can do it.

The point is your heart. You have been designed as an integral ‘player’ and, as such, you have a race to run and assignments to fulfill. Maybe your role is one of the cheerleaders, at times, rather than always on the field, but at some time you’ll need to be involved with your game. What does your heart tell you? Your heart will tell your head where you should be and your head needs to be as committed and tenacious as your heart. This is not a mindless running into places ‘angels fear to tread’ – that’s an opportunity for disaster. While your heart can lead you, your head has to be involved.

Who is leading? Perhaps the question is: how are you being led? By your desires, by others? By… Are you in your game? Too many times we point to the lack of resources, or it isn’t the right timing, or you feel you have no support as reasons why you are standing on the sidelines waiting for a more opportune moment. That may not necessarily be inaccurate but sometimes it is only an excuse. No one else has to be in your game other than you. Granted we generally do have others to work with, but it is always you who has to be involved.

Being on the sidelines is rarely satisfying, even when you may not see the goal or feel that you have been beaten down by ‘events’. You do know that if you need to change, you can? Take a good look at your reality: are you equipped or do you need to make some changes? Making changes may turn the tide in your favor but if you only sit on the sidelines defeated – what have you gained? Win or lose it’s being in the game and doing your utmost that provides the greatest sense of achievement.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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