Wonderfully and fearfully made…

Do you realize that it is YOU that is being talked about? You have been wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalms 139:14). Do you believe this? And this is not just anyone that’s making this declaration, this is God and He’s talking about You! He chose to lavish all His grace and favor, His love and caring on You! His choice. He desires only the best for you and provides all that you need. Can you begin to fathom this? He chose. His gifts. For You. What is required from you? That You believe. That You accept. That you act on them.

I realize that comprehending this is difficult and the evidences all around us from other people refute this – but remember the source. This is God, The God of the universe that is talking to You. And these are not idle words – these words are empowering and are meant for You simply because You are loved. Throughout scripture God tells us over and over of His love for us and shows us by His actions. He requires very little in return. But He does have requirements: the main one being that you believe on His Son.

Some prefer to do things ‘their way’, choose not to accept His gifts, not to act on who they are meant to be because God does give us the free will to choose or reject Him. But His Word promises us He will in no wise reject us when we come. It’s like the story of the Prodigal Son. When the son realized his error, repented, and returned to his home, all the joy of the father was there to greet him.

Will You dare to believe? Remember that ‘to believe’ means that You are ready and willing to act on this because believing is defined in terms of acting.  Like the boy in the Parable, we come with nothing but ourselves and are given all.You have purpose. You have meaning. You belong. You aren’t crap. God doesn’t make defective people. We are His workmanship created for good works so we have assignments to complete. But in and through Him we are able.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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