
Do you think you are brave? Oh not the bravado kind of brave that typically is for show and not for substance. Rather the kind of brave that determines that what can be attained is worth the price of commitment. Because to be brave does require that you be willing to forgo the comfortable, the familiar in order to attain the prize. Do you have that kind of bravery?

Do you have strength? You need strength to be brave. Not necessarily the manly kind of physical strength that is muscle based but the strength that is character based. Bravery is the strength of character that stands up, not defiantly but strongly in the face of threats made to make others cower. Without the strength to stand for what you believe, you really are only a coward. Standing requires that you be willing to undergo ridicule by those who don’t understand. Do you have that kind of bravery?

Do you have the will to be brave? Are you willing to sacrifice? This relates to commitment because it takes your will to stand against whatever is attempting to threaten. Sometimes the battle is short and sometimes it seems to come and go – regardless you can’t let your commitment waver. To be brave will undoubtedly require sacrifice. Not the martyr or self-serving type of sacrifice for these are primarily for show. More of the stoic, quiet acceptance sacrifice. In the gaining, attaining the prize there is an inevitable change that occurs. To assume there will be no sacrifice is not logical.  Do you have that kind of bravery?

It’s not easy to be brave. It’s possible that you won’t succeed in attaining your goal, but that’s really secondary. But never assume you don’t have the strength of character to be brave. Know too that it’s possible that you will be the only one that knows that you’ve had to be brave. But being brave means no excuses. The problem is that if you aren’t brave then you are denying something, someone. If you aren’t brave then you are a coward – it is an either/or.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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