Trust yourself?

Do you trust you? Do you have reason not to trust you? Granted you make mistakes, but is this reason to not trust you? Absolutely not. Mistakes, unless deliberately repeated, are no basis for lack of trust. So, what would make you not trust yourself? For that matter, what causes you to trust yourself?

Trust is one of those critical considerations. Some of the same criteria that allows you to trust others also applies in terms of trusting yourself. But you can’t trust or not trust based only on a feeling or some other nefarious reason. Maybe you would equivocate a tad and say that there are certain areas that you would trust yourself but there other’s you wouldn’t. Do you know why you wouldn’t? Have you ‘failed’ in those areas in the past and thus don’t have the confidence?

Confidence and trust are closely related. And trust doesn’t necessarily always mean a positive outcome for you. You can trust that you will err (a negative) and thus are reluctant to even attempt just as easily as you can trust you will succeed. The result whether positive or negative really has little bearing – it’s your level of confidence that the result will be expected that speaks to the trust.

How does it make you feel when you believe you can’t trust yourself? Sad? Angry (at self)? Discouraged? Unwilling to even attempt? But… have you ever held a deep seated lack of trust in yourself to accomplish something but you tried anyway? How did that make you feel, whether or not you succeeded? Pleased with yourself perhaps? And if, miracle upon miracle, you actually did succeed how did that make you feel?

I would hope that we all would give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and trust that win or lose we will do the best we can. Trusting self should never be a barrier.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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