What is it you want… do you know?

Please note that it’s the word, ‘want’, not ‘need’, not ‘like’ – want. Do you know what you want? And most importantly, is it something you can acquire? I’m putting ‘want’ in realistic terms – something attainable though you don’t currently have it. However, it isn’t a ‘need’. It’s critical that the want is something that’s important to you and that you would be able to have. ‘Pie in the sky’ doesn’t work as it obviously is a waste of time and effort to want for something you never can possess.

Want is really in a category all to itself because your well being doesn’t rest on wants being attained, you can live without them. But… they make life so much fuller if you were to attain them. When it comes to wants, you must be precise because they really can appear to be almost like an ‘add on’. And wants are always individually defined because what may be a want to you may be a need for me, or the opposite – something I have no interest in. To use a culinary example: the attainment of a want is like adding the one spice to a dish that truly enhances the flavor.

Since part of the definition of want is something you can attain, what is it you have to do to create the opportunity to ‘own’ your want? Wants rarely simply don’t drop into your lap. They may not require all the energy, attention, and dedication you have, but you do need to be actively involved. Therefore, what do you need to do… and will you?

Once you have your want… do you know what you’ll do with it? Will you use it immediately or ‘save’ it? Then what? Having your wants fulfilled is at least a momentary high but will it be lasting? Or… will you look to accomplishing another want?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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