
I was raised with the trite, but true, saying: “Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.” Good advice. Besides we are also cautioned that tomorrow might never come. And I can agree… to a point. The important things one should never be put off. This is especially true when it comes to people and your relationships. Never put off an apology. Never put off a compliment. Never wait to say I love you to a loved one.

But … are there things that we can legitimately ‘put off’? This thinking was occasioned by the fact that I was engaged in some spring cleaning. First you should know that I hate dirt, don’t mind clutter so much but I loathe dirt. Second you should know that spring cleaning has never been something I can get ecstatic over. Thus we have two semi hates warring. But it did raise the question of what kinds of ‘things’ can we put off till tomorrow?

And yes, there are important ‘things’. At work there are deadlines and schedules that need to be met. Sometimes something you are engaged in will need to be completed because your work precedes something someone else does so it’s important to accomplish your responsibility. And at home there are similar situations… especially the prep work for supper, or washing clothes because you are out of clean clothes. There are countless activities that do need to be done – and not tomorrow. But…

I realize that this may seem frivolous and inconsequential but I really am asking you a serious question and asking you to apply your answer to the ‘things’ on your plate. What can you not afford to put off till tomorrow? And which, of all the things on your plate, are interfering with life now and can be put off? What’s a ‘now’ and what’s a ‘tomorrow’?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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