
Assuming 70 years is the length of your life, that (36,792,000) is how many minutes that are available to you. However… assuming an average of 8 hours a day of sleep, that figure gets reduced by 12,264,000 which still leaves you a whopping 24,528,000 minutes. If it’s easier to think in terms of hours than minutes, you have 408,800 hours. You prefer to think in terms of days or years? Do the math, minimally that translates into 46 years but my point is: soooo… what are you doing with your time? Whether you have 10 years, 30, or 46+ it’s the quality of days that’s at issue.

Let’s face it… we all waste time. But are we spending, wisely, the major part of the time that’s given us? Not everyone has 70 years, some have more, some have less but again – my point is what are you doing with your time? Are you directing your time or are other things and people dictating? Again, to some extent others will and do determine how we spend our time, but are you doing what you feel you should be, want to be? And if not, what can you, are you willing to do to be the director of your life?

Perhaps I’m sounding a bit harsh but this is serious business. A number of year’s ago one of the favorite phrases was: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I suspect you could say that on any given day, multiple times but the point is still…. what are you doing with your time? I would argue that only you and the Lord can judge the effectiveness of how you’ve used the time given you. Only you can say… I have run my race, I have completed my task. (2 Timothy 4:7, Hebrews 12:1)

While use of time is a serious consideration and somewhat sobering, it really isn’t joyless. I would maintain that a lack of joy in one’s life is not to be tolerated. We’ve been given an unknown amount of time. WE are responsible for what we do with it. And yes, we need to be serious about it but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy it too. Without joy there is no quality and without quality the quantity is lifeless.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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