
Though we may not say it out loud, we really think about ourselves a great deal. The phrase that jumps to mind is one, again not always verbalized but definitely thought, that goes like, “But…. what about meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!????” Typically this is said in a slightly whiney voice. Actually we are our favorite topic. We are a self serving, self absorbed creation. That was not criticism. It is a statement of fact without any particular value placed on it.

Though there is no proof of this mindset, it can be argued that heroes operate on a different wave length – those who act in the best interests of others, most of the time to the possible harm of themselves, also hold to a non self serving principle. They act based on what they believe is right rather than a high concern for themselves. That’s why they are heroes.

I suspect that it can also be argued that this mindset is also part of everyone’s DNA, it’s just that many don’t choose to operate on that level. However, if there is an overriding principle that is in play, there is a great chance that more people will rise to that standard. But – it is a hope, not necessarily a fact.

Thank heavens Jesus didn’t use this phrase when He accepted His destiny as Savior of mankind. The closest He came to this was His prayer of – “Abba Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me…” (Mark 14:36). But the last part of the sentence says it all, “…nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” The context of His ‘what about me’ was the will of the Father. He knew, accepted that what the Father planned far outweighed the momentary discomfort – even the discomfort of death.

We can all operate on this same concept – that the Father knows His plans for us and that they are for a hope and future. (Jeremiah 29:11) But as in all things – it is our choice whether or not to accept it.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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