
Do you consider yourself a person of ‘potential’? A person of promise? You are, you know. And how you feel has absolutely nothing to do with it. Scripture provides us with many evidences of this. Actually this is a double edged sword because others also expect you to fulfill your potential.

The alternative to being a person of potential is definitely not one to be pursued but discovering your own potential can be somewhat arduous – worth it, but not simple. Then once you’ve discovered where your potential lies, you have the responsibility to fulfill it. And that isn’t easy either. It seems that one is constantly proving oneself.

Is there an alternative? None that I’ve found. It is a given. You have potential. Once you discover where your talents and gifts lie, then you have the responsibility to act on them. And, you’ll be constantly challenged. It does make for an interesting life.

You see – the difference in all this is you and your attitude. As long as you don’t waste your energy on trying to change a given, an immutable then your entire approach changes. You can tackle what ever problem/issue/opportunity/question, etc. with which you are faced without the baggage of anger.

Also you can rest on the scriptures that support you such as: “I know the plans I have for you. Plans for a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Future and hope are both positives and can lead you as you fulfill your potential. As for enemies to you and your future – always remember that the Lord said that if He was for you, who could stand against you?

Potential is the gift God gives each person, what you do with it is your gift to Him.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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