HOW you see is probably equal to if not more important than what you see. Because how you see is filtered through what you think, what you believe, what you like, what you don’t like, etc. And we all see through filtered eyes.
An easy way to make my point is how 6 people will describe what they saw – which is in 6 different ways. One may emphasize the colors that were worn by those involved. Another may emphasize the emotions that they saw. Still another may describe what was seen surrounding the ‘event’. The point is we all focus in on some aspect and only partially see the other components.
This is not a right/wrong – this is simply fact. But it does give us some understanding and it does give us a warning. Whatever we hear as related by someone, we must realize that they are relating what they saw, their ‘how’. This places a responsibility on us to appreciate that there is probably a great deal more.
So, how do you see? What is it you tend to focus on, and thus not see the entire picture. Knowing this can help us in responding – not jumping to conclusions. We need a broader swath in our picture. Personally I like to ask the person I’m with what it is they saw – this gives me at least one more perspective on which I can make decisions.
Scripture says that we see through a glass darkly but in the end we will see as we are seen. It’s not so much that the masks will no longer be needed…. it’s much more extensive than that. We will finally see all that there is to see. Our view will be full and not filtered.