As I was watching one of the few programs on TV that I do view, one of the characters made the comment, “Everyone needs a code to live by.” What a great line! And how true! A bit of a ‘duh’ I grant you but sometimes it is the obvious that’s missed.
Everyone DOES need a code to live by. Equally important is how you develop it, what’s the source of your code, is it words only or do you act/live by it, etc. For most people, one’s personal code is a kind of…. I have one but I don’t have it all written down…… Not good. How do you know to act on the code if you don’t know the code? I think that’s why I like Gibbs on NCIS – he knows his code and he knows it so well that he can even give you a number and you know what it relates to.
Codes are suppose to be so ingrained, so part of your character that you walk your code and, as you do, others can tell what you believe in by your walk. The reality that many forget is that whatever you believe, you will walk by it. It’s not possible to sustain a prolonged farce – your essence will eventually be visible. So, are you kind? If so then your behavior will emanate kindness and others will see it. Are you angry? The same – your behavior will portray it.
If kindness is part of your code then many behaviors will support this. If ‘your way or the highway’ is part of your code then, again, you will exhibit those behaviors in a variety of ways. The point in this is – your code will always display itself and reinforce itself. Therefore, is your code one that you would want others to imitate? Are you who and what you want to be?