“Irish” is a state of mind

Today is March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a day of joyous celebration! Not just of Irish-ness but of life, in all its glory. Yes, and tears.

There’s a song on Celtic Woman’s new DVD/CD called Nil SeN La – great fun. But it’s the translation from the celtic that’s important. It means “seize the day”. For me, it also reminds me of the scripture – “for such a time as this”. Both are triumphant declarations of life! Both are empowering.

I can claim a legitimate Irish heritage, entitling me to profess and stand on ‘seizing the day’. But even if I wasn’t Irish – I can lay claim to the mindset. Everyone can! For me, seizing means to (in the words of Captain Kirk) boldly go where no one else has gone. That place differs with each person, but it does empower you to go, and to go boldly – not slinking into the place.

For the Christian there is an added ability, an authorization based on who you are in Christ. Talk about emboldened! In Him we are equipped with everything we need to do what we are called to do. The only question is – will you?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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