The Itty Bitty ‘things’

It’s true you know. Many times the devil will use the most insignificant, the Itty Bitty things of life, to trip us up. You’d think that after a number of these incidents that we’d get smarter… not necessarily. Experience doesn’t always bring wisdom. We typically are on guard against the larger temptations and/or seductions and then get blindsided by the lesser ones. At least for me, this gets translated into being so irritated with myself than I prolong the victory over (fill in the blank). God doesn’t hit us over the head when we stumble or even fall … He’s a loving Father that wants to help us and yet do we allow Him to do so? Or… do we need to ‘punish’ ourselves?

Can you tell that I’ve just gone through such a time? Yep. Did I prolong the agony? Yep. Did I come to my senses… eventually. I’ve also often discovered, once I had become an ‘adult’ again, that most of the time these ‘itty bitty’ are me-isms. I’ve gotten my eyes onto me, rather than on the Lord. And… I’ve accomplished what I call Paul’s lament and did it in spectacular fashion.

“For I joyfully delight in the law of God in my inner self [with my new nature], but I see a different law and rule of action in the members of my body [in its appetites and desires], waging war against the law of my mind and subduing me and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is within my members. Wretched and miserable man that I am! Who will [rescue me and] set me free from this body of death [this corrupt, mortal existence]? Thanks be to God [for my deliverance] through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind serve the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh [my human nature, my worldliness, my sinful capacity—I serve] the law of sin.” [Romans 7:22-25, AMP]

Simply… I do the things I don’t want to and don’t do the things I do want to. Most frustrating. Is there a remedy? Be more intentional? Be more aware of what you are doing and saying (or not)? Always check motivations? Yes to all and probably a few more reasons. Yet… surprisingly, this is not a difficult/impossible ‘renewal of our mind’. I do believe that the Lord looks at the intent of our heart (Jeremiah 17:10, 1 Samuel 16:7). However, it is always us who decide to do what needs doing. However, how often do we place a mental guard against those itty bitty areas that trip us up? We can… when we purpose to do so.

Since I seem to be on this rant… another ‘thing’ I reeeally hate is waiting. I don’t do this well. I want (?) whatever I want in a ‘now’ framework… not later. Do I ask the Lord what He wants – not nearly enough. However, I just read a phrase that captured my thinking – ‘Don’t waste the waiting.’ (S. Robertson). And since waiting seems to be inevitable, this is wise counsel. Which led me to… how do we respond to ‘wise counsel’? If we want control over our itty bitties then we need to deal with those ‘things’ that interfere with success.

A bit of a ‘duh’, but complaining about these things I don’t like accomplishes little (read – nothing). Until and unless I DO something nothing gets changed. Sometimes my correction is fairly simply, many times it isn’t. If it’s a stronghold in your life I suggest you get prayer backup for yourself to overcome. But the point is – we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). AND we need to view ourselves and other brothers and sisters this way because we all get caught in our own me-isms and itty bitties. One of the best ways to accomplish this is when I try and look at the situation from the other person’s perspective because 9 times out of 10 it does involve others. It does change (at least) my understanding.

Remember…even the itty bitty has the potential to lead us to wonderful discoveries. Then again… how do you define ‘itty bitty’ things and how much control do you give them?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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