You and Your Gift

In considering you and your gift, to get to that, we have to start with the Holy Spirit – the dispenser of gifts. When Jesus ascended after spending time with His disciples (and other followers), after rising from the dead, the Holy Spirit was sent to the believers to help them. Example: Jesus said that the Holy Spirit:

” But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.” [John 14:26]

Part of the ‘help’ was giving gifts. It is when we come together in one accord and share what the Lord has placed in us that the body is equipped and can act confidently – read the entire 12th chapter in 1 Corinthians.
[If you want to study more about this, I’ve written on it several times, there are others who have written extensively, but more important – there are scriptures that teach this.]

I’d like to share my gift with you. In my case it is the gift of teaching. I love to teach and typically do so by asking questions so that the student(s) discover and KNOW their answers. I know what I believe and do present it as a counterpoint, but the point is not to hear myself speak but to allow, encourage them to discover. There are a few requirements a teacher must possess (in my world of definitions).

  1. A teacher must be teachable – the continual quest to know and understand is crucial. No one knows it all. Rarely have I found anything related to the spiritual that is one and done. Actually, I consider this primary because if you learn as you teach, you become a better teacher.
  2. A teacher must study. I discovered early on that if the student(s) know more about the content of what I’m teaching – then they should be the teacher. I NEED to know what is also contrary to what I present so that I have ‘proof’ about the content of what I teach.
  3. A teacher must not be threatened by contrary views. These differences can be a new way at looking at (fill in the blank) or expanding understanding – not just denying differences. I’ve always loved the verse in Proverbs (27:17) that says:
    “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens [and influences] another [through discussion].” None of us knows everything, so if there is scriptural foundation – we need to consider it.
  4. A teacher must know how to ask questions. Actually, knowing how to ask questions, even building on the discussion and last statement, a well placed question can be a wonderful trigger to discover and understand more.
  5. A teacher must be an encourager. Affirmation of a question or an answer or a direction to follow to discover an answer lets the student understand that the teacher is open to differences of opinion. Validating thought, regardless of the expression, helps the learner to seek answers and not just regurgitate the teacher’s beliefs.

There are other ‘traits’ to consider, but these are my top 5 qualities that define a good teacher. Seriously, if you love hearing your own voice you need to take another look at teaching and you as teacher. Harsh? Not according to my standards. I would like you to think about challenging yourself, when you look at your gifting, because I also believe that some of what I use to judge myself as a teacher [teachable, study, not threatened, questions, encourager] can also be applied to other gifts.

Lastly, remember – knowing and acting on our gifting is a continual process of growing… when it comes to our spiritual life – it’s never one and done and it’s a continual process of becoming good workmen (Ephesians 2) able to accomplish the Lord’s goals and plans.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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