
Meaning? Is it the same as “foundational’? Webster:

   “… serving as, or being an essential part of, foundation or basis; basic; underlying; being an original or primary source; indispensable, primary…”  

Some of the suggested synonyms are: basic, elemental, essential, introductory, rudimental, underlying.This is like an onion… the more you peal back the more you find more layers. From this definition then, fundamental is an essential part of foundation. Ultimately, this builds your understanding and leads you to the heart of (fill in the blank). All good.

However, the true focus is – what are your fundamentals? As you look at your life, your wants and needs… your actions – what are your absolute, minimum musts? What are the principles and beliefs that identify who you are, what you do, and how you do you? Do you also have plans for continuing this journey… of becoming your best you? I don’t believe that this last point, best, can be attained without growing in our fundamentals.

We should always reconsider our ‘fundamentals’ and not only when they are challenged. Our understanding and application of them should always be in a continual state of growth, refinement. Simply because a belief, practice, allegiance, etc. has been, I believe it is instrumentally important in our discovering our own who and why this is still valid. Actually, we are validating our continue application each time we discover more understanding.

I find it instructive that scripture couples fundamentals with strength. This also leads us to how we relate this to scripture. Is it your basis for strength… especially in time of need? If we rely only on our own strength, we place ourselves in unnecessary danger. My continual question – why do we have to be so independent and stand on our own? We have a foundation in the Lord that will provide more than we need. Remember 2 Corinthians 12:9 

   “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Granted, in this instance Paul was pleading to the Lord about removing ‘a thorn in his flesh’ but the principle remains true. Because when we turn to Him in these times of need, we actually are operating on a higher fundamental – the Lord’s power effective in our lives. 

Fundamentals are basic, foundational but they are also not to be put on the shelf. They are part and parcel of our everyday expressions, and should be. Which is why we should always learn more about them and how they direct our day.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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