Choices… and decisions

I would suggest that every decision, from the smallest to the greatest, affords us a minimum of 2 choices. I’m not sure there really is an, ‘I didn’t have any choice!’ Actually, I believe that there are always a multitude of options and choices available to us when we take the time to consider. Sometimes the differences between them is vast and quite pointed. Other times, our choices are more subtle and it may seem difficult to distinguish. And still there are other times when our decision seems to be between two ‘good’ or two ‘bad’ options.

Secondly, I believe our decisions are based on our personal philosophy… that they are never quite so ‘surprising’ as initial thought. If your philosophy is that you try and do your best then your decisions will reflect this. If you are cavalier and/or ‘unthinking’ then your options you choose from will be reflect this – typically self-centered. None of this is new? Probably not, but do we honestly appraise what we do and how we go about doing it?

If our response to our decisions is: “Hm, I never thought about that!” or “That was NOT what I intended!” Then I would say we are deluding ourselves. Because there is rarely any unthought out decision. Though the ramifications from our actions we don’t always choose to see. We may like to insist that there are. Nope. If we act ‘without thought’ then what does this say about what we believe and what’s important to us? If we are surprised at the reactions from others… why? Would you have responded differently to someone else who acted in the same way you did?

We really can’t avoid ‘owning up’. What we do and how we do or say ‘it’ speaks volumes. Obviously I believe that there is always a better way. That isn’t the point. Bottom line really is – you! You need to be aware that you do present a message for others to hear – whether you like this or not. Since this is a reality, the issue is – what do you want others to see and hear from your decisions? What character points do you want them to observe? This isn’t rocket science nor is it a point of stress (or at least it shouldn’t be). Who you are, how you go about being you is what is always expressed. One can only act so long before the truth is revealed. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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