
Know what this word means? Know what it looks like? Is this one of your character qualities?

Webster definition (2nd definition): “….firm in belief, determination, or adherence: Loyal.” Is this you? But… in reference to what, whom? If you are ‘firm’ and ‘loyal’ – who, and how did they get this designation? What makes us, You a steadfast person?

I believe that ‘steadfast’ is an excellent character description. I don’t think any of us want to be on shifting sand or considered to be a person who will agree with everything the last person they spoke to believes – there’s a sufficient amount of this in the various aspects of our lives, but should be a modus operandi. At the same time, I don’t expect any of us to be so firmly entrenched that we won’t be able to let the ‘subject’ of our steadfast grow. The older I get the more I begin to wonder just what is ‘in cement’. For me a cement component though is my belief in Jesus as my Lord.

Concomitant; there are certain people and ‘philosophies’ that I have a steadfast attachment to. The simplest way of know where our allegiance lies is to look at what we consider as eternal and/or essential to our lives. What constitutes your absolutes list? And are ‘they’ the same as they were days/weeks/months ago? Have ‘they’ grown, matured? Are you the same in your steadfastness? 

Simple concept, steadfast? Don’t think so. But I do believe that we all consciously should occasionally review what it is that we would always adhere to… what is irreplaceable… what needs ‘updating’. Every challenge to what you believe and think should be viewed as an iron sharpening iron situation and not a threat. If you feel threatened then maybe your commitment to (fill in the blank) is no longer relevant for you… at least not the same. Perhaps it is also a way to help the other person consider a different point of view. If you believe in (fill in the blank) then your steadfast will never threatened by a differing view.

I, perhaps incorrectly, don’t believe we have to stress about being steadfast. It is or it isn’t. Scripture gives us 15 different verses about steadfastness. I especially like Colossians 1:11 and James writing (1:3-4):

   “…knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance (a
    descriptive word for steadfastness)
    …Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect
    and complete, lacking in nothing.”

 The point is for to know yours. What are you steadfast about? How do you express it?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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