
I was sitting in the (eye) doctor’s chair waiting for him to return for the end of the annual exam. Somehow my mind wandered to age and old… probably because my glasses were going to be changed. Are you old? You do realize, of course, that old is defined by the individual. I’ve met people who were old, very old but their chronological age was in their mid 20’s. And I’ve met ‘senior citizens’ who were in their 70’s and acted and spoke like mid 20 year olds – with an excitement. Point being – chronological age and mindset don’t always coincide.

Personally, I’m in my mid 70’s but have to remind myself often that though I may not be a 70 year old in my mind and heart, my body keeps reminding me that I am. Physical age really has only limiting affects unless we let it dominate our outlook. I really never want to be old. Old means not willing to ‘ride the wind’ – whatever or however that is defined for you. Bottom line – be logical about the physical constraints but never let your heart and mind be limited.

Why do we let ourselves be limited? Why is it that we would change our mindset of adventure, challenge, change, exploration? We who are ‘of an age’ can build on what we’ve learned and discovered but we should never stop learning. Every day is a new opportunity to learn, to do, to be. The marvelous understanding that this mindset is available to all… regardless of age. You can always start now – right where you are.

I was curious about the word, ‘retirement’ so I looked it up in Webster. It states that this word was first used in 1536. Hmmm – did that mean people didn’t retire before that date? If not, did they just continue doing whatever they were doing? What is retirement? Mostly the word is defined by using the word – such as: “of, relating to, or designed for people who are retired…” Truly enlightening – not. 

In my world of definitions, ‘old’ is definitely a negative when it relates to who we are and who we can become. Why? Why would we ever stop living a full life? Each day you can… meet a new person, discover something interesting about yourself, walk, talk with someone, sit and read, create a new dish for dinner – the list is endless. It can cost money or it doesn’t need to – finances should never be an inhibition to live fully. Never become… old.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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