
I’m a phrase and/or line collector – both written and spoken words. They are always ones that capture my thinking and stop me in my tracks. Quite honestly, I do love these occurrences. And yes, there are certain writers that do arrest me more than others. Let me share one that I recently heard. “When our certainties are shaken then our true mettle is revealed.” This is a line spoken by the main character in the Father Brown TV series. What a terrific thought!

These kinds of phrases or statements… and questions are always thought provoking… at least to me. Does the above line ‘speak to you’? What thoughts tumble from this? Or do the words paint pictures? Depending on a variety of conditions, when we chance upon these times… what do you do with it? Using Fr. Brown’s words – do they convey any thoughts to you? Do they reveal your mettle?

For me, my mind immediately heads to the spiritual context of this line. What (spiritual) certainties do I have? Have any been shaken? Or have I refused to look at those questions that might cause me to reassess? What possibly can be said that would shake my spiritual certainties. Example: one aspect to consider is healing. I know there are countless numbers of Christians that believe that God puts sickness on us to teach us (fill in the blank). Personally, I’ve never believed this. I’ve typically thought it was an excuse for our own behavior that caused the sickness. Accurate? And I’ve heard people talk about ‘losing their healing’ which has never made sense.

However, I am aware that people can and do learn lessons when they are sick. And there are some people, especially children, that didn’t ‘do’ something to cause them to be sick. And no, I don’t understand the why. Does this refute my stand? Is my certainty shaken? I think it probably was at some point. But, as I studied this and considered the character of God – my certainty was confirmed and strengthened. I cannot equate a God who is described as Jehovah Rapha (sp?), my healer and one who puts sickness on His creation. Who do we turn to when we’re sick then? Exactly! But why would God who puts sickness on us to teach us be the one we turn to rid us of the sickness – wouldn’t that be illogical for God? And let’s face it – God is never illogical.

Perhaps a simple example. But my point is – phrases uttered by word or ‘spoken’ in literature can provide us with many hours of contemplation. And… by extension, strengthen our certainties. From this… our mettle is revealed.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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