Frustration, tears, and other feelings

Scenario: you are really, really angry (hurt, disappointed, frustrated, et al) what can you do? Remember, you are a Christian and can’t retaliate in the world’s way (of getting… even?). Also, you remember your Bible which tells you, “Vengeance is mine says the Lord. I will repay.”(Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:17). So WHAT can you do? One thing you can do is to turn this over to the Lord and let go. 

Another option (recommended) is to ask the Lord for understanding – why the other person acted the way they did/said. However, don’t put a positive spin on your case over other interpretations because you could have misunderstood. And don’t disguise your feelings because, right or wrong, it is what you are feeling. If you are close to tears, it really is fine. Actually… when was the last time you cried? Not the stub the toe tears. Tears of frustration or tears that stem from a deep reaction to (fill in the blank). 

Point being is that we ALL face frustrations, sometimes tears, and other feelings less than positive. Again I state as strongly as I can – NEVER deny what you feel regardless of whether or not there is any basis in fact. What you feel is what you feel! And, for me, I have discovered that the only way to resolve and move on is to own how I feel. Then I can try and discover why I am feeling the way I feel. It is always an issue of ‘is’ first. 

Every disappointment, discouragement, frustration, mis-step, outright defiance, and every other emotion you care to include happens in our lives. Do we learn from them and how to resolve them? Do we move on or sulk or pout? Do we seek understanding? How do we handle these? Denial won’t work and neither does self-defense. What happened… happened. Now it is our time to really shine – to demonstrate that we will not be defeated by ourselves. We CAN when we turn to the Lord and seek His answers and then act on them. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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